Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ばらのはな は あかい です。すみれのはな は あおい です。

わたし は 日本語の詩 を かきます。Hopefully someday I will be able to. Right now, English is the only Language I can write in. But Japanese poetry is so cool. Of course most notable Japanese poems are Haikus, but still, they're pretty good.

This poem is by Kobayashi Issa, apparently it's his death poem:

A bath when you're born,
a bath when you die,
how stupid.

Note the not-haiku-ness of it. I'm pretty sure it sounds better in Japanese.


  1. I'm sure it does sound better in Japanese, but in English it sounds pretty funny! Where did you find this poem? I'd like to read it in Japanese too even if I can't understand it. Oh, never mind I see it now. Why is it in black? Your post background is black so I can't read it unless I highlight the words.

  2. Yeah I was looking for the Japanese too and found it.
    it's tricky.

    What is death poem anyway?
    is it a poem that one write on death bed?
    Or while dying.. ? This would be awkward.
    Or a poen that is about death?
    I am curious

  3. Yea, I agree, can't wait until the day we can express ourselves fully in Japanese. がんばって!!

  4. はじめまして。リーブスです。どおぞよろしく。わたしもあにめをみます!すごい。なにをしますか。あにめはりっぱです。

  5. ワハハハ!はいくはすっけいですね。ほうふくぜっとうですね!

  6. おはよう ございます!わたしは ピカード です。 ノトルダムだいがく の いちねんせい です。 どうぞ よろしく!

  7. "Stupid" isn't really poetic...
