Monday, February 21, 2011

About Communication

To me communication means understanding an idea someone else is trying to portray whether through speech or other means (eg. pictures). Communication is trying to get a point across to others usually with an emphasis on efficiency, by which I mean using a method that portrays the idea in a manner that is the easiest for those receiving the idea to understand.

There is also a difference between effective and ineffective communication. If the receiver and the communicator are not connecting so that the information trying to be communicated isn't being communicated, then this is ineffective communication. To have effective communication the receiver has to be engaged and interested in what the communicator is trying to tell them, and the communicator has to be sure that the information is something that others are able to understand and something others will care about.

I think this podcast project is about using different forms of communication to get a point across to a diverse audience. From this podcast project I expect to learn how to make an educational yet entertaining video. I also expect to improve on my ability to work effectively in a group of people who have different opinions than I do, which is something I always try learn in my different group experiences. I might even learn something new from the content of our video.